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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how Upwards for iOS (“we”) collects, uses, and shares information related to your use of the Upwards website, mobile application, and related software and services (collectively, our “Services”).

We take the privacy of your personal information seriously. We use similar services to store our personal information too, and we treat your personal information with the same care we demand for our own. This privacy policy represents a balance between maintaining your privacy and allowing us to continue to provide the Services to you.

By using our Services, you accept this privacy policy, agree to the terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein, and you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described herein.

Personal Information

“Personal Information”, in the context of this privacy policy, is information that specifically identifies you directly or through other reasonably available means, such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address.

Personal Information does not include summarized, anonymized, or other non-personally identifiable information. Summarized information includes, for example, information that we collect about a group or category of services, or users that is not personally identifiable. Anonymized information includes, for example, information from which individual identities are removed.

Information You Provide To Us

We collect information that you provide to us in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Account Information: Our Services may give you the ability to associate your information with a specific email address and, optionally, a password. We collect the Personal Information you provide to us in the course of creating and updating your account.
  2. Document Information: When you use our Services, we collect information about the documents you save and read.
  3. Email Newsletters: We may periodically send email newsletters. If you sign up to receive a newsletter from us, we collect your email address.
  4. Correspondence: If you contact us by email, using a contact form, or by telephone, mail, fax, or other means, we may collect the information contained within, and associated with, your correspondence.

Information We Gather Automatically

When you use our Services, we may collect some information automatically, including:

We may collect this information passively using standard technologies including server logs, browser cookies, and transparent images (also known as web beacons).

How We Use Your Information

Our primary use of your information is to provide the best possible service to you. We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:

We may use your Personal Information to send you emails we believe may be of interest to you, such as periodic newsletters about our Services. You may opt out of receiving any such emails by unsubscribing: Simply follow the instructions in any such email.

How We Share Your Information

Except as described in this privacy policy, we will never share your Personal Information with anyone else without your consent.

We may share your Personal Information in the following situations:

  1. Business Transfers: Information essential to our Services, including your Personal Information, may be disclosed and otherwise transferred to an acquirer, or successor or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, sale of assets, insolvency, bankruptcy, receivership, or similar event in which your Personal Information is transferred to one or more third parties as part of our business assets.
  2. Investigations: We may disclose your Personal Information if we believe that doing so is legally required, or is in our interest to protect our property or other legal rights (including, but not limited to, enforcement of our agreements), or the rights or property of others, or otherwise to help protect the safety or security of our Services and other users of our Services.

How We Protect Your Information

We use various security measures to help protect your information from accidental loss, disclosure, and misuse. These measures include review of our system logs, off-site backups, data encryption, and security software. However, no data security measures can be guaranteed to be completely effective. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information we collect. You transmit information and use our Services at your own risk.

Where Your Information Is Stored

Our servers are located, and your information is stored, in the United States of America and Canada. If you choose to use our Services from outside the U.S.A. and Canada, then please be aware that you are transferring your Personal Information outside of your country and into the U.S.A. and Canada for storage and processing. By providing your Personal Information to us through your use of our Services, you agree to that transfer, storage, and processing in the U.S.A. and Canada. You should be aware that the privacy and data security laws of the U.S.A. and Canada may in some cases provide fewer protections than those of your own country.

General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation intended to protect the data and privacy of individuals in the European Union. We process your “personal data” as defined by the GDPR (i.e., data that can be traced back to you as an individual), and we are therefore required to justify why we are lawfully permitted to process this data. Simply put, we collect and process the data that you give us (your email address, your documents) in order to provide you with a workout app. Doing so is the core purpose of our Services. We therefore have a “legitimate interest” (as defined by the GDPR) in processing this data (see Article 6, paragraph 1(f)). We do not process personal data that is incidental to the Services (such as your demographic data). Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about our GDPR compliance.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

If we make a material change to this privacy policy, we will notify you by email or within the Upwards app so that you may review the new terms and decide whether to continue using the Services. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy to stay informed about how we collect, use, and share information.

Contacting Us

If you have questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us at upwards-privacy@shmoftware.com.

This policy was last updated June 24, 2023.